Select an airport:

Birmingham, AL: Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International (BHM)
Dothan, AL: Dothan Regional (DHN)
Huntsville, AL: Huntsville International-Carl T Jones Field (HSV)
Mobile, AL: Mobile International (BFM)
Mobile, AL: Mobile Regional (MOB)
Montgomery, AL: Montgomery Regional (MGM)
Muscle Shoals, AL: Northwest Alabama Regional (MSL)

Adak Island, AK: Adak (ADK)
Akhiok, AK: Akhiok Airport (AKK)
Akiachak, AK: Akiachak Airport (KKI)
Akiak, AK: Akiak Airport (AKI)
Akun, AK: Akun Airport (7AK)
Akutan, AK: Akutan Airport (KQA)
Alakanuk, AK: Alakanuk Airport (AUK)
Allakaket, AK: Allakaket Airport (AET)
Ambler, AK: Ambler River (ABL)
Amook Bay, AK: Amook Bay Airport (AOS)
Anaktuvuk Pass, AK: Anaktuvuk Pass Airport (AKP)
Anchorage, AK: Elmendorf AFB (EDF)
Anchorage, AK: Merrill Field (MRI)
Anchorage, AK: Ted Stevens Anchorage International (ANC)
Angoon, AK: Angoon Seaplane Base (AGN)
Aniak, AK: Aniak Airport (ANI)
Anvik, AK: Anvik Airport (ANV)
Arctic Village, AK: Arctic Village Airport (ARC)
Atka, AK: Atka Airport (AKB)
Atmautluak, AK: Atmautluak Airport (ATT)
Atqasuk, AK: Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr. Memorial (ATK)
Barrow, AK: Wiley Post/Will Rogers Memorial (BRW)
Barter Island, AK: Barter Island Airport (BTI)
Beaver, AK: Beaver Airport (WBQ)
Bethel, AK: Bethel Airport (BET)
Bettles, AK: Bettles Airport (BTT)
Birch Creek, AK: Birch Creek Airport (KBC)
Blue Fox Bay, AK: Blue Fox Bay Airport (BFB)
Brevig Mission, AK: Brevig Mission Airport (KTS)
Brooks Lodge, AK: Brooks Lodge Airport (RBH)
Buckland, AK: Buckland Airport (BKC)
Candle, AK: Candle 2 (CDL)
Cape Lisburne, AK: Cape Lisburne LRRS (LUR)
Central, AK: Central Airport (CEM)
Chalkyitsik, AK: Chalkyitsik Airport (CIK)
Chefornak, AK: Chefornak Airport (CYF)
Chenega, AK: Chenega Bay (NCN)
Chevak, AK: Chevak Airport (VAK)
Chicken, AK: Chicken Airport (CKX)
Chignik Bay, AK: Chignik Bay Airport (KCG)
Chignik Lagoon, AK: Chignik Lagoon Airport (KCL)
Chignik, AK: Chignik Lake (KCQ)
Chisana, AK: Chisana Airport (CZN)
Chuathbaluk, AK: Chuathbaluk Airport (CHU)
Circle, AK: Circle City (IRC)
Clarks Point, AK: Clarks Point Airport (CLP)
Coffman Cove, AK: Coffman Cove Seaplane Base (KCC)
Cold Bay, AK: Cold Bay Airport (CDB)
Coldfoot, AK: Coldfoot Airport (CXF)
Cordova, AK: Merle K Mudhole Smith (CDV)
Craig, AK: Craig Seaplane Base (CGA)
Crooked Creek, AK: Crooked Creek Airport (CKD)
Deadhorse, AK: Deadhorse Airport (SCC)
Deering, AK: Deering Airport (DRG)
Deerpark, AK: Deer Park (2AK)
Dillingham, AK: Dillingham Airport (DLG)
Dora Bay, AK: Dora Bay Airport (DOF)
Eagle, AK: Eagle Airport (EAA)
Edna Bay, AK: Edna Bay Airport (EDA)
Eek, AK: Eek Airport (EEK)
Egegik, AK: Egegik Airport (EGX)
Ekwok, AK: Ekwok Airport (KEK)
Elfin Cove, AK: Elfin Cove Seaplane Base (ELV)
Elim, AK: Elim Airport (ELI)
Emmonak, AK: Emmonak Airport (EMK)
Fairbanks, AK: Eielson AFB (EIL)
Fairbanks, AK: Fairbanks International (FAI)
False Pass, AK: False Pass Airport (KFP)
Flat, AK: Flat Airport (FLT)
Fort Yukon, AK: Fort Yukon Airport (FYU)
Galena, AK: Edward G. Pitka Sr. (GAL)
Gambell, AK: Gambell Airport (GAM)
Golovin, AK: Golovin Airport (GLV)
Goodnews Bay, AK: Goodnews (GNU)
Grayling, AK: Grayling Airport (KGX)
Gulkana, AK: Gulkana Airport (GKN)
Gustavus, AK: Gustavus Airport (GST)
Haines, AK: Haines Airport (HNS)
Healy, AK: Healy River (HKB)
Hollis, AK: Hollis Seaplane Base (HYL)
Holy Cross, AK: Holy Cross Airport (HCR)
Homer, AK: Homer Airport (HOM)
Hoonah, AK: Hoonah Airport (HNH)
Hooper Bay, AK: Hooper Bay Airport (HPB)
Hughes, AK: Hughes Airport (HUS)
Huslia, AK: Huslia Airport (HSL)
Hydaburg, AK: Hydaburg Seaplane Base (HYG)
Hyder, AK: Hyder Seaplane Base (WHD)
Igiugig, AK: Igiugig Airport (IGG)
Iliamna, AK: Iliamna Airport (ILI)
Juneau, AK: Juneau International (JNU)
Kake, AK: Kake Seaplane Base (KAE)
Kalskag, AK: Kalskag Airport (KLG)
Kaltag, AK: Kaltag Airport (KAL)
Karluk, AK: Karluk Airport (KYK)
Kasaan, AK: Kasaan Seaplane Base (KXA)
Kasigluk, AK: Kasigluk Airport (KUK)
Katmai Lodge, AK: Katmai Lodge Airport (VZY)
Kavik River, AK: Kavik River Airport (VIK)
Kenai, AK: Kenai Municipal (ENA)
Ketchikan, AK: Ketchikan International (KTN)
Ketchikan, AK: Ketchikan Waterfront Seaplane Base (WFB)
Keyes Point, AK: Keyes Point Airport (QQB)
Kiana, AK: Bob Baker Memorial (IAN)
King Cove, AK: King Cove Airport (KVC)
King Salmon, AK: King Salmon Airport (AKN)
Kipnuk, AK: Kipnuk Airport (KPN)
Kitoi Bay, AK: Kitoi Bay Airport (KKB)
Kivalina, AK: Kivalina Airport (KVL)
Klawock, AK: Klawock Airport (KLW)
Kobuk, AK: Kobuk Airport (OBU)
Kodiak Island, AK: Trident Basin Seaplane Base (A43)
Kodiak, AK: Kodiak Airport (ADQ)
Kokhanok, AK: Kokhanok Airport (KNK)
Koliganek, AK: Koliganek Airport (KGK)
Kongiganak, AK: Kongiganak Airport (KKH)
Kotlik, AK: Kotlik Airport (KOT)
Kotzebue, AK: Ralph Wien Memorial (OTZ)
Koyuk, AK: Koyuk Alfred Adams (KKA)
Koyukuk, AK: Koyukuk Airport (KYU)
Kulik Lake, AK: Kulik Lake Airport (LKK)
Kwethluk, AK: Kwethluk Airport (KWT)
Kwigillingok, AK: Kwigillingok Airport (KWK)
Lake Minchumina, AK: Lake Minchumina Airport (LMA)
Larsen Bay, AK: Larsen Bay Airport (KLN)
Lazy Bay, AK: Alitak Seaplane Base (ALZ)
Levelock, AK: Levelock Airport (KLL)
Little Port Walter, AK: Little Port Walter Airport (LPW)
Manley Hot Springs, AK: Manley Hot Springs Airport (MLY)
Manokotak, AK: Manokatak Seaplane Base (KMO)
Marshall, AK: Marshall Don Hunter Sr. (MLL)
May Creek, AK: May Creek Airport (MYK)
McCarthy, AK: McCarthy Airport (MXY)
McGrath, AK: McGrath Airport (MCG)
Mekoryuk, AK: Mekoryuk Airport (MYU)
Metlakatla, AK: Metlakatala (MTM)
Meyers Chuck, AK: Meyers Chuck Seaplane Base (WMK)
Middleton Island, AK: Middleton Island Airport (MDO)
Minchumina, AK: Minchumina Airport (MHM)
Minto, AK: Minto Al Wright (MNT)
Moser Bay, AK: Moser Bay Airport (KMY)
Mountain Village, AK: Mountain Village Airport (MOU)
Nanwalek, AK: Nanwalek Airport (KEB)
Napakiak, AK: Napakiak Airport (WNA)
Napaskiak, AK: Napaskiak Airport (PKA)
Naukiti, AK: Naukiti Airport (NKI)
Nelson Lagoon, AK: Nelson Lagoon Airport (NLG)
Nenana, AK: Nenana Municipal (ENN)
New Stuyahok, AK: New Stuyahok Airport (KNW)
Newtok, AK: Mertarvik (WWT)
Newtok, AK: Newtok Seaplane Base (6AK)
Nightmute, AK: Nightmute Airport (NME)
Nikolai, AK: Nikolai Airport (NIB)
Nikolski, AK: Nikolski AS (IKO)
Noatak, AK: Noatak Airport (WTK)
Nome, AK: Nome Airport (OME)
Nondalton, AK: Nondalton Airport (NNL)
Noorvik, AK: Robert/Bob/Curtis Memorial (ORV)
Nuiqsut, AK: Nuiqsut Airport (NUI)
Nulato, AK: Nulato Airport (NUL)
Nunapitchuk, AK: Nunapitchuk Airport (NUP)
Nyac, AK: Nyac Airport (ZNC)
Old Harbor, AK: Old Harbor Airport (OLH)
Olga Bay, AK: Olga Bay Seaplane Base (KOY)
Onion Bay, AK: Onion Bay Airport (ONN)
Ouzinkie, AK: Ouzinkie Airport (KOZ)
Palmer, AK: Warren Bud Woods Palmer Municipal (PAQ)
Pedro Bay, AK: Pedro Bay Airport (PDB)
Pelican, AK: Pelican Seaplane Base (PEC)
Perryville, AK: Perryville Airport (KPV)
Petersburg, AK: Petersburg James A Johnson (PSG)
Pilot Point, AK: Pilot Point Airport (PIP)
Pilot Station, AK: Pilot Station Airport (PQS)
Platinum, AK: Platinum Airport (PTU)
Point Baker, AK: Point Baker Airport (KPB)
Point Hope, AK: Point Hope Airport (PHO)
Point Lay, AK: Point Lay LRRS (PIZ)
Port Alexander, AK: Port Alexander Airport (PTD)
Port Alsworth, AK: Port Alsworth Airport (PTA)
Port Armstrong, AK: Port Armstrong Airport (PTL)
Port Bailey, AK: Port Bailey Airport (KPY)
Port Graham, AK: Port Graham Airport (PGM)
Port Heiden, AK: Port Heiden Airport (PTH)
Port Lions, AK: Port Lions Airport (ORI)
Port Moller, AK: Port Moller Airport (PML)
Port Protection, AK: Port Protection Airport (PPV)
Port Williams, AK: Port Williams Airport (KPR)
Quinhagak, AK: Quinhagak Airport (KWN)
Rampart, AK: Rampart Airport (RMP)
Red Devil, AK: Red Devil Airport (RDV)
Red Dog, AK: Red Dog Airport (RDB)
Ruby, AK: Ruby Airport (RBY)
Russian Mission, AK: Russian Mission Airport (RSH)
Sandpoint, AK: Sand Point (SDP)
Savoonga, AK: Savoonga Airport (SVA)
Scammon Bay, AK: Scammon Bay Airport (SCM)
Seal Bay, AK: Seal Bay Airport (SYB)
Selawik, AK: Selawik Airport (WLK)
Seldovia, AK: Seldovia Airport (SOV)
Shageluk, AK: Shageluk Airport (SHX)
Shaktoolik, AK: Shaktoolik Airport (SKK)
Sheldon Point, AK: Nunam Iqua (SXP)
Shishmaref, AK: Shishmaref Airport (SHH)
Shungnak, AK: Shungnak Airport (SHG)
Sitka, AK: Sitka Rocky Gutierrez (SIT)
Skagway, AK: Skagway Airport (SGY)
Skwentna, AK: Skwentna Airport (SKW)
Sleetmute, AK: Sleetmute Airport (SLQ)
Soldotna, AK: Soldotna Airport (SXQ)
South Naknek, AK: South Naknek 2 (WSN)
St. George Island, AK: St. George Island Airport (STG)
St. Mary's, AK: St. Mary's Airport (KSM)
St. Michael, AK: St. Michael Airport (SMK)
St. Paul, AK: St. Paul Island (SNP)
Stebbins, AK: Stebbins Airport (WBB)
Stevens Village, AK: Stevens Village Airport (SVS)
Stony River, AK: Stony River Airport (SRV)
Takotna, AK: Takotna Airport (TCT)
Tanana, AK: Ralph M Calhoun Memorial (TAL)
Tatalina, AK: Tatalina LRRS (TLJ)
Tatitlek, AK: Tatitlek Airport (TEK)
Teller, AK: Teller Airport (TLA)
Tenakee, AK: Tenakee Airport (TKE)
Thorne Bay, AK: Thorne Bay Seaplane Base (KTB)
Tin City, AK: Tin City LRRS (TNC)
Togiak, AK: Togiak Airport (TOG)
Tok, AK: Tok Junction (TKJ)
Toksook, AK: Toksook Bay (OOK)
Trading Bay, AK: Trading Bay Production (JZE)
Tuluksak, AK: Tuluksak Airport (TLT)
Tuntutuliak, AK: Tuntutuliak Airport (WTL)
Tununak, AK: Tununak Airport (TNK)
Twin Hills, AK: Twin Hills Airport (TWA)
Tyonek, AK: Tyonek Airport (TYE)
Uganik, AK: Uganik Airport (UGI)
Ugashik, AK: Ugashik Airport (UGS)
Unalakleet, AK: Unalakleet Airport (UNK)
Unalaska, AK: Unalaska Airport (DUT)
Valdez, AK: Valdez Pioneer Field (VDZ)
Venetie, AK: Venetie Airport (VEE)
Wainwright, AK: Wainwright Airport (AIN)
Wales, AK: Wales Airport (WAA)
Wasilla, AK: Wasilla Airport (WWA)
West Point, AK: West Point Village (KWP)
Whale Pass, AK: Whale Pass Airport (WWP)
White Mountain, AK: White Mountain Airport (WMO)
Wrangell, AK: Wrangell Airport (WRG)
Yakutat, AK: Yakutat Airport (YAK)
Yukon Charley Rivvers, AK: Coal Creek (A63)
Zachar Bay, AK: Zachar Bay Airport (KZB)

Flagstaff, AZ: Flagstaff Pulliam (FLG)
Kingman, AZ: Kingman Airport (IGM)
Lake Havasu City, AZ: Lake Havasu City Airport (HII)
Page, AZ: Page Municipal (PGA)
Peach Springs, AZ: Grand Canyon West (1G4)
Phoenix, AZ: Phoenix - Mesa Gateway (AZA)
Phoenix, AZ: Phoenix Sky Harbor International (PHX)
Prescott, AZ: Prescott Regional Ernest A Love Field (PRC)
Sedona, AZ: Sedona Airport (SDX)
Show Low, AZ: Show Low Regional (SOW)
Tucson, AZ: Tucson International (TUS)
Yuma, AZ: Yuma MCAS/Yuma International (NYL)
Yuma, AZ: Yuma MCAS/Yuma International (YUM)

El Dorado, AR: South Arkansas Regional at Goodwin Field (ELD)
Fayetteville, AR: Northwest Arkansas National (XNA)
Fort Smith, AR: Fort Smith Regional (FSM)
Harrison, AR: Boone County (HRO)
Hot Springs, AR: Memorial Field (HOT)
Jonesboro, AR: Jonesboro Municipal (JBR)
Little Rock, AR: Bill and Hillary Clinton Nat Adams Field (LIT)
Texarkana, AR: Texarkana Regional-Webb Field (TXK)

Arcata/Eureka, CA: California Redwood Coast Humboldt County (ACV)
Bakersfield, CA: Meadows Field (BFL)
Bishop, CA: Bishop Airport (BIH)
Burbank, CA: Bob Hope (BUR)
Carlsbad, CA: McClellan-Palomar (CLD)
Chico, CA: Chico Regional (CIC)
Crescent City, CA: Jack McNamara Field (CEC)
El Centro, CA: Imperial County (IPL)
Eureka, CA: Murray Field (EKA)
Fortuna, CA: Rohnerville (XXY)
Fresno, CA: Fresno Yosemite International (FAT)
Gasquet, CA: Ward Field (ZXC)
Hawthorne, CA: Jack Northrop Field/Hawthorne Municipal (HHR)
Inyokern, CA: Inyokern Airport (IYK)
Lakeport, CA: Lampson Field (XXP)
Long Beach, CA: Long Beach Airport (LGB)
Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International (LAX)
Madera, CA: Madera Municipal (MAE)
Mammoth Lakes, CA: Mammoth Lakes Airport (MMH)
Merced, CA: Merced Yosemite Regional (MCE)
Monterey, CA: Monterey Regional (MRY)
Oakland, CA: Metro Oakland International (OAK)
Ontario, CA: Ontario International (ONT)
Palm Springs, CA: Palm Springs International (PSP)
Paso Robles, CA: Paso Robles Municipal (PRB)
Petaluma, CA: Petaluma Municipal (UXK)
Redding, CA: Redding Regional (RDD)
Sacramento, CA: Sacramento International (SMF)
Sacramento, CA: Sacramento Mather (MHR)
San Bernardino, CA: San Bernardino International (SBD)
San Carlos, CA: San Carlos Airport (SQL)
San Diego, CA: San Diego International (SAN)
San Francisco, CA: San Francisco International (SFO)
San Jose, CA: Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International (SJC)
San Luis Obispo, CA: San Luis County Regional (SBP)
Santa Ana, CA: John Wayne Airport-Orange County (SNA)
Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Barbara Municipal (SBA)
Santa Maria, CA: Santa Maria Public/Capt. G. Allan Hancock Field (SMX)
Santa Rosa, CA: Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County (STS)
Santa Ynez, CA: Santa Ynez Kunkle Field (SQA)
Stockton, CA: Stockton Metro (SCK)
Truckee, CA: Truckee Tahoe (TKF)
Ukiah, CA: Ukiah Municipal (UKI)
Van Nuys, CA: Van Nuys Airport (VNY)
Visalia, CA: Visalia Municipal (VIS)
Willits, CA: Ells Field-Willits Municipal (XXN)

Alamosa, CO: San Luis Valley Regional/Bergman Field (ALS)
Aspen, CO: Aspen Pitkin County Sardy Field (ASE)
Colorado Springs, CO: City of Colorado Springs Municipal (COS)
Cortez, CO: Cortez Municipal (CEZ)
Denver, CO: Denver International (DEN)
Durango, CO: Durango La Plata County (DRO)
Eagle, CO: Eagle County Regional (EGE)
Grand Junction, CO: Grand Junction Regional (GJT)
Gunnison, CO: Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional (GUC)
Hayden, CO: Yampa Valley (HDN)
Montrose/Delta, CO: Montrose Regional (MTJ)
Pueblo, CO: Pueblo Memorial (PUB)
Telluride, CO: Telluride Regional (TEX)

Bridgeport, CT: Bridgeport Sikorsky (BDR)
Hartford, CT: Bradley International (BDL)
New Haven, CT: Tweed New Haven (HVN)

Dover, DE: Dover AFB (DOV)
Wilmington, DE: New Castle (ILG)

Daytona Beach, FL: Daytona Beach International (DAB)
Fort Lauderdale, FL: Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International (FLL)
Fort Myers, FL: Southwest Florida International (RSW)
Gainesville, FL: Gainesville Regional (GNV)
Jacksonville, FL: Jacksonville International (JAX)
Key West, FL: Key West International (EYW)
Lakeland, FL: Lakeland Linder International (LAL)
Marathon, FL: The Florida Keys Marathon International (MTH)
Melbourne, FL: Melbourne Orlando International (MLB)
Miami, FL: Miami International (MIA)
Orlando, FL: Orlando International (MCO)
Panama City, FL: Northwest Florida Beaches International (ECP)
Pensacola, FL: Pensacola International (PNS)
Punta Gorda, FL: Punta Gorda Airport (PGD)
Sanford, FL: Orlando Sanford International (SFB)
Sarasota/Bradenton, FL: Sarasota/Bradenton International (SRQ)
St. Petersburg, FL: St Pete Clearwater International (PIE)
Tallahassee, FL: Tallahassee International (TLH)
Tampa, FL: Tampa International (TPA)
Valparaiso, FL: Eglin AFB Destin Fort Walton Beach (VPS)
Vero Beach, FL: Vero Beach Regional (VRB)
West Palm Beach/Palm Beach, FL: Palm Beach International (PBI)

Albany, GA: Southwest Georgia Regional (ABY)
Atlanta, GA: Dekalb Peachtree (PDK)
Atlanta, GA: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International (ATL)
Augusta, GA: Augusta Regional at Bush Field (AGS)
Brunswick, GA: Brunswick Golden Isles (BQK)
Columbus, GA: Columbus Airport (CSG)
Macon, GA: Middle Georgia Regional (MCN)
Savannah, GA: Savannah/Hilton Head International (SAV)
Valdosta, GA: Valdosta Regional (VLD)

Hana, HI: Hana Airport (HNM)
Hilo, HI: Hilo International (ITO)
Honolulu, HI: Daniel K Inouye International (HNL)
Hoolehua, HI: Molokai (MKK)
Kahului, HI: Kahului Airport (OGG)
Kalaupapa, HI: Kalaupapa Airport (LUP)
Kamuela, HI: Waimea-Kohala (MUE)
Kapalua, HI: Kapalua Airport (JHM)
Kona, HI: Ellison Onizuka Kona International at Keahole (KOA)
Lanai, HI: Lanai Airport (LNY)
Lihue, HI: Lihue Airport (LIH)

Boise, ID: Boise Air Terminal (BOI)
Coeur d'Alene, ID: Coeur d'Alene - Pappy Boyington Field (COE)
Idaho Falls, ID: Idaho Falls Regional (IDA)
Lewiston, ID: Lewiston Nez Perce County (LWS)
Pocatello, ID: Pocatello Regional (PIH)
Sun Valley/Hailey/Ketchum, ID: Friedman Memorial (SUN)
Twin Falls, ID: Joslin Field - Magic Valley Regional (TWF)

Belleville, IL: Scott AFB MidAmerica St Louis (BLV)
Bloomington/Normal, IL: Central Il Regional Airport at Bloomington (BMI)
Champaign/Urbana, IL: University of Illinois/Willard (CMI)
Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International (MDW)
Chicago, IL: Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Decatur, IL: Decatur Airport (DEC)
Marion/Herrin, IL: Veterans Airport of Southern Illinois (MWA)
Moline, IL: Quad Cities International (MLI)
Peoria, IL: General Downing - Peoria International (PIA)
Quincy, IL: Quincy Regional-Baldwin Field (UIN)
Rockford, IL: Chicago/Rockford International (RFD)
Springfield, IL: Abraham Lincoln Capital (SPI)

Evansville, IN: Evansville Regional (EVV)
Fort Wayne, IN: Fort Wayne International (FWA)
Gary, IN: Gary/Chicago International (GYY)
Indianapolis, IN: Indianapolis International (IND)
Lafayette, IN: Purdue University (LAF)
South Bend, IN: South Bend International (SBN)

Burlington, IA: Southeast Iowa Regional (BRL)
Cedar Rapids/Iowa City, IA: The Eastern Iowa (CID)
Des Moines, IA: Des Moines International (DSM)
Dubuque, IA: Dubuque Regional (DBQ)
Fort Dodge, IA: Fort Dodge Regional (FOD)
Mason City, IA: Mason City Municipal (MCW)
Sioux City, IA: Sioux Gateway Brig Gen Bud Day Field (SUX)
Waterloo, IA: Waterloo Regional (ALO)

Dodge City, KS: Dodge City Regional (DDC)
Garden City, KS: Garden City Regional (GCK)
Hays, KS: Hays Regional (HYS)
Hutchinson, KS: Hutchinson Regional (HUT)
Liberal, KS: Liberal Mid-America Regional (LBL)
Manhattan/Ft. Riley, KS: Manhattan Regional (MHK)
Salina, KS: Salina Regional (SLN)
Wichita, KS: Wichita Dwight D Eisenhower National (ICT)

Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International (CVG)
Lexington, KY: Blue Grass (LEX)
Louisville, KY: Louisville Muhammad Ali International (SDF)
Owensboro, KY: Owensboro Daviess County Regional (OWB)
Paducah, KY: Barkley Regional (PAH)

Alexandria, LA: Alexandria International (AEX)
Baton Rouge, LA: Baton Rouge Metropolitan/Ryan Field (BTR)
Lafayette, LA: Lafayette Regional Paul Fournet Field (LFT)
Lake Charles, LA: Lake Charles Regional (LCH)
Monroe, LA: Monroe Regional (MLU)
New Iberia, LA: Acadiana Regional (ARA)
New Orleans, LA: Louis Armstrong New Orleans International (MSY)
Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Regional (SHV)

Augusta/Waterville, ME: Augusta State (AUG)
Bangor, ME: Bangor International (BGR)
Bar Harbor, ME: Hancock County-Bar Harbor (BHB)
Caribou, ME: Caribou Municipal (CAR)
Portland, ME: Portland International Jetport (PWM)
Presque Isle/Houlton, ME: Presque Isle International (PQI)
Rockland, ME: Knox County Regional (RKD)

Baltimore, MD: Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall (BWI)
Hagerstown, MD: Hagerstown Regional-Richard A. Henson Field (HGR)
Salisbury, MD: Salisbury-Ocean City/Wicomico Regional (SBY)

Bedford, MA: Laurence G Hanscom Field (BED)
Boston, MA: Boston Harbor Seaplane Base (BNH)
Boston, MA: Logan International (BOS)
Hyannis, MA: Cape Cod Gateway (HYA)
Martha's Vineyard, MA: Martha's Vineyard Airport (MVY)
Nantucket, MA: Nantucket Memorial (ACK)
New Bedford/Fall River, MA: New Bedford Regional (EWB)
Norwood, MA: Norwood Memorial (OWD)
Provincetown, MA: Provincetown Municipal (PVC)
Worcester, MA: Worcester Regional (ORH)

Alpena, MI: Alpena County Regional (APN)
Detroit, MI: Detroit Metro Wayne County (DTW)
Escanaba, MI: Delta County (ESC)
Flint, MI: Bishop International (FNT)
Gaylord, MI: Gaylord Regional (GLR)
Grand Rapids, MI: Gerald R. Ford International (GRR)
Hancock/Houghton, MI: Houghton County Memorial (CMX)
Iron Mountain/Kingsfd, MI: Ford (IMT)
Ironwood, MI: Gogebic-Iron County (IWD)
Kalamazoo, MI: Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International (AZO)
Lansing, MI: Capital Region International (LAN)
Manistee/Ludington, MI: Manistee County-Blacker (MBL)
Marquette, MI: Marquette Sawyer Regional (MQT)
Muskegon, MI: Muskegon County (MKG)
Pellston, MI: Pellston Regional Airport of Emmet County (PLN)
Saginaw/Bay City/Midland, MI: MBS International (MBS)
Sault Ste. Marie, MI: Chippewa County International (CIU)
Traverse City, MI: Cherry Capital (TVC)

Bemidji, MN: Bemidji Regional (BJI)
Brainerd, MN: Brainerd Lakes Regional (BRD)
Duluth, MN: Duluth International (DLH)
Hibbing, MN: Range Regional (HIB)
International Falls, MN: Falls International Einarson Field (INL)
Minneapolis, MN: Minneapolis-St Paul International (MSP)
Rochester, MN: Rochester International (RST)
St. Cloud, MN: St. Cloud Regional (STC)
Thief River Falls, MN: Thief River Falls Regional (TVF)

Columbus, MS: Golden Triangle Regional (GTR)
Greenville, MS: Greenville Mid Delta (GLH)
Gulfport/Biloxi, MS: Gulfport-Biloxi International (GPT)
Hattiesburg/Laurel, MS: Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional (PIB)
Jackson/Vicksburg, MS: Jackson Medgar Wiley Evers International (JAN)
Meridian, MS: Key Field (MEI)
Tupelo, MS: Tupelo Regional (TUP)

Branson, MO: Branson Airport (BKG)
Cape Girardeau, MO: Cape Girardeau Regional (CGI)
Columbia, MO: Columbia Regional (COU)
Fort Leonard Wood, MO: Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Forney Field (TBN)
Joplin, MO: Joplin Regional (JLN)
Kansas City, MO: Kansas City International (MCI)
Kirksville, MO: Kirksville Regional (IRK)
Springfield, MO: Springfield-Branson National (SGF)
St. Louis, MO: St Louis Lambert International (STL)

Billings, MT: Billings Logan International (BIL)
Bozeman, MT: Bozeman Yellowstone International (BZN)
Butte, MT: Bert Mooney (BTM)
Glasgow, MT: Wokal Field Glasgow Valley County (GGW)
Glendive, MT: Dawson Community (GDV)
Great Falls, MT: Great Falls International (GTF)
Havre, MT: Havre City-County (HVR)
Helena, MT: Helena Regional (HLN)
Kalispell, MT: Glacier Park International (FCA)
Missoula, MT: Missoula Montana (MSO)
Sidney, MT: Sidney Richland Regional (SDY)
West Yellowstone, MT: Yellowstone (WYS)
Wolf Point, MT: L. M. Clayton (OLF)

Alliance, NE: Alliance Municipal (AIA)
Chadron, NE: Chadron Municipal (CDR)
Grand Island, NE: Central Nebraska Regional (GRI)
Kearney, NE: Kearney Regional (EAR)
Lincoln, NE: Lincoln Airport (LNK)
McCook, NE: McCook Ben Nelson Regional (MCK)
North Platte, NE: North Platte Regional Airport Lee Bird Field (LBF)
Omaha, NE: Eppley Airfield (OMA)
Scottsbluff, NE: Western Neb. Regional/William B. Heilig Field (BFF)

Boulder City, NV: Boulder City Municipal (BLD)
Elko, NV: Elko Regional (EKO)
Las Vegas, NV: Harry Reid International (LAS)
Las Vegas, NV: Henderson Executive (HSH)
Reno, NV: Reno/Tahoe International (RNO)

New Hampshire
Lebanon-Hanover, NH: Lebanon Municipal (LEB)
Manchester, NH: Manchester Boston Regional (MHT)
Portsmouth, NH: Portsmouth International at Pease (PSM)

New Jersey
Atlantic City, NJ: Atlantic City International (ACY)
Fort Dix, NJ: McGuire Field (WRI)
Newark, NJ: Newark Liberty International (EWR)
Trenton, NJ: Trenton Mercer (TTN)

New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM: Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ)
Carlsbad, NM: Cavern City Air Terminal (CNM)
Clovis, NM: Clovis Regional (CVN)
Deming, NM: Deming Municipal (DMN)
Farmington, NM: Four Corners Regional (FMN)
Gallup, NM: Gallup Municipal (GUP)
Hobbs, NM: Lea County Regional (HOB)
Las Cruces, NM: Las Cruces International (LRU)
Roswell, NM: Roswell Air Center (ROW)
Santa Fe, NM: Santa Fe Municipal (SAF)
Silver City/Hurley, NM: Grant County (SVC)

New York
Albany, NY: Albany International (ALB)
Binghamton, NY: Greater Binghamton/Edwin A. Link Field (BGM)
Buffalo, NY: Buffalo Niagara International (BUF)
Elmira/Corning, NY: Elmira/Corning Regional (ELM)
Islip, NY: Long Island MacArthur (ISP)
Ithaca/Cortland, NY: Ithaca Tompkins International (ITH)
Massena, NY: Massena International-Richards Field (MSS)
New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International (JFK)
New York, NY: LaGuardia (LGA)
New York, NY: New York Skyports Seaplane Base (NYS)
Newburgh/Poughkeepsie, NY: New York Stewart International (SWF)
Niagara Falls, NY: Niagara Falls International (IAG)
Ogdensburg, NY: Ogdensburg International (OGS)
Plattsburgh, NY: Plattsburgh International (PBG)
Rochester, NY: Frederick Douglass Grtr Rochester International (ROC)
Saranac Lake/Lake Placid, NY: Adirondack Regional (SLK)
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Hancock International (SYR)
Watertown, NY: Watertown International (ART)
White Plains, NY: Westchester County (HPN)

North Carolina
Asheville, NC: Asheville Regional (AVL)
Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International (CLT)
Concord, NC: Concord Padgett Regional (USA)
Fayetteville, NC: Fayetteville Regional/Grannis Field (FAY)
Greensboro/High Point, NC: Piedmont Triad International (GSO)
Greenville, NC: Pitt Greenville (PGV)
Jacksonville/Camp Lejeune, NC: Albert J Ellis (OAJ)
Kinston, NC: Kinston Regional Jetport at Stallings Field (ISO)
Manteo, NC: Dare County Regional (MEO)
New Bern/Morehead/Beaufort, NC: Coastal Carolina Regional (EWN)
Raleigh/Durham, NC: Raleigh-Durham International (RDU)
Wilmington, NC: Wilmington International (ILM)

North Dakota
Bismarck/Mandan, ND: Bismarck Municipal (BIS)
Devils Lake, ND: Devils Lake Regional (DVL)
Dickinson, ND: Dickinson - Theodore Roosevelt Regional (DIK)
Fargo, ND: Hector International (FAR)
Grand Forks, ND: Grand Forks International (GFK)
Jamestown, ND: Jamestown Regional (JMS)
Minot, ND: Minot International (MOT)
Williston, ND: Williston Basin International (XWA)

Akron, OH: Akron-Canton Regional (CAK)
Cleveland, OH: Cleveland-Hopkins International (CLE)
Columbus, OH: John Glenn Columbus International (CMH)
Columbus, OH: Rickenbacker International (LCK)
Dayton, OH: James M Cox/Dayton International (DAY)
Toledo, OH: Eugene F Kranz Toledo Express (TOL)
Wilmington, OH: Wilmington Air Park (ILN)

Lawton/Fort Sill, OK: Lawton-Fort Sill Regional (LAW)
Oklahoma City, OK: Wiley Post (PWA)
Oklahoma City, OK: Will Rogers World (OKC)
Stillwater, OK: Stillwater Regional (SWO)
Tulsa, OK: Tulsa International (TUL)

Bend/Redmond, OR: Roberts Field (RDM)
Corvallis, OR: Corvallis Municipal (CVO)
Eugene, OR: Mahlon Sweet Field (EUG)
Klamath Falls, OR: Crater Lake Klamath Regional (LMT)
Medford, OR: Rogue Valley International - Medford (MFR)
Newport, OR: Newport Municipal (ONP)
North Bend/Coos Bay, OR: Southwest Oregon Regional (OTH)
Pendleton, OR: Eastern Oregon Regional at Pendleton (PDT)
Portland, OR: Portland International (PDX)
Roseburg, OR: Roseburg Regional (RBG)
Salem, OR: McNary Field (SLE)

Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton, PA: Lehigh Valley International (ABE)
Altoona, PA: Altoona-Blair County (AOO)
Bradford, PA: Bradford Regional (BFD)
DuBois, PA: DuBois Regional (DUJ)
Erie, PA: Erie International/Tom Ridge Field (ERI)
Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg International (MDT)
Indiana, PA: Indiana County Jimmy Stewart Field (IDI)
Johnstown, PA: John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County (JST)
Lancaster, PA: Lancaster Airport (LNS)
Latrobe, PA: Arnold Palmer Regional (LBE)
Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia International (PHL)
Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh International (PIT)
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, PA: Wilkes Barre Scranton International (AVP)
State College, PA: University Park (SCE)
Williamsport, PA: Williamsport Regional (IPT)

Puerto Rico
Aguadilla, PR: Rafael Hernandez (BQN)
Ceiba, PR: Jose Aponte de la Torre (JRV)
Culebra, PR: Benjamin Rivera Noriega (CPX)
Mayaguez, PR: Eugenio Maria de Hostos (MAZ)
Ponce, PR: Mercedita (PSE)
San Juan, PR: Isla Grande (SIG)
San Juan, PR: Luis Munoz Marin International (SJU)
Vieques, PR: Antonio Rivera Rodriguez (VQS)

Rhode Island
Block Island, RI: Block Island State (BID)
Providence, RI: Rhode Island Tf Green International (PVD)
Westerly, RI: Westerly State (WST)

South Carolina
Charleston, SC: Charleston AFB/International (CHS)
Columbia, SC: Columbia Metropolitan (CAE)
Florence, SC: Florence Regional (FLO)
Greer, SC: Greenville-Spartanburg International (GSP)
Hilton Head, SC: Hilton Head Airport (HHH)
Myrtle Beach, SC: Myrtle Beach International (MYR)

South Dakota
Aberdeen, SD: Aberdeen Regional (ABR)
Pierre, SD: Pierre Regional (PIR)
Rapid City, SD: Rapid City Regional (RAP)
Sioux Falls, SD: Joe Foss Field (FSD)
Watertown, SD: Watertown Regional (ATY)

Bristol/Johnson City/Kingsport, TN: Tri Cities (TRI)
Chattanooga, TN: Lovell Field (CHA)
Jackson, TN: McKellar-Sipes Regional (MKL)
Knoxville, TN: McGhee Tyson (TYS)
Memphis, TN: Memphis International (MEM)
Nashville, TN: Nashville International (BNA)

Abilene, TX: Abilene Regional (ABI)
Amarillo, TX: Rick Husband Amarillo International (AMA)
Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International (AUS)
Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX: Jack Brooks Regional (BPT)
Big Spring, TX: Big Spring McMahon-Wrinkle (BGS)
Brownsville, TX: Brownsville South Padre Island International (BRO)
Brownwood, TX: Brownwood Regional (BWD)
College Station/Bryan, TX: Easterwood Field (CLL)
Corpus Christi, TX: Corpus Christi International (CRP)
Dallas, TX: Dallas Love Field (DAL)
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: Dallas/Fort Worth International (DFW)
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: Perot Field Fort Worth Alliance (AFW)
Del Rio, TX: Del Rio International (DRT)
El Paso, TX: El Paso International (ELP)
Harlingen/San Benito, TX: Valley International (HRL)
Houston, TX: George Bush Intercontinental/Houston (IAH)
Houston, TX: William P Hobby (HOU)
Killeen, TX: Robert Gray AAF (GRK)
Laredo, TX: Laredo International (LRD)
Longview, TX: East Texas Regional (GGG)
Lubbock, TX: Lubbock Preston Smith International (LBB)
Midland/Odessa, TX: Midland International Air and Space Port (MAF)
Mission/McAllen/Edinburg, TX: McAllen International (MFE)
San Angelo, TX: San Angelo Regional/Mathis Field (SJT)
San Antonio, TX: San Antonio International (SAT)
San Marcos, TX: San Marcos Regional (QQY)
Sweetwater, TX: Avenger Field (SWW)
Tyler, TX: Tyler Pounds Regional (TYR)
Victoria, TX: Victoria Regional (VCT)
Waco, TX: Waco Regional (ACT)
Wichita Falls, TX: Sheppard AFB/Wichita Falls Municipal (SPS)

U.S. Pacific Trust Territories and Possessions
Guam, TT: Guam International (GUM)
Pago Pago, TT: Pago Pago International (PPG)
Rota, TT: Benjamin Taisacan Manglona International (ROP)
Saipan, TT: Francisco C. Ada Saipan International (SPN)
Tinian, TT: Tinian International (TIQ)

U.S. Virgin Islands
Charlotte Amalie, VI: Charlotte Amalie Harbor Seaplane Base (SPB)
Charlotte Amalie, VI: Cyril E King (STT)
Christiansted, VI: Christiansted Harbor Seaplane Base (SSB)
Christiansted, VI: Henry E. Rohlsen (STX)

Cedar City, UT: Cedar City Regional (CDC)
Moab, UT: Canyonlands Regional (CNY)
Ogden, UT: Ogden-Hinckley (OGD)
Provo, UT: Provo Municipal (PVU)
Salt Lake City, UT: Salt Lake City International (SLC)
St. George, UT: St George Regional (SGU)
Vernal, UT: Vernal Regional (VEL)

Burlington, VT: Burlington International (BTV)
Rutland, VT: Rutland - Southern Vermont Regional (RUT)

Charlottesville, VA: Charlottesville Albemarle (CHO)
Lynchburg, VA: Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field (LYH)
Newport News/Williamsburg, VA: Newport News/Williamsburg International (PHF)
Norfolk, VA: Norfolk International (ORF)
Norfolk, VA: Norfolk NS (NGU)
Richmond, VA: Richmond International (RIC)
Roanoke, VA: Roanoke Blacksburg Regional (ROA)
Staunton, VA: Shenandoah Valley Regional (SHD)
Washington, DC: Ronald Reagan Washington National (DCA)
Washington, DC: Washington Dulles International (IAD)

Bellingham, WA: Bellingham International (BLI)
Burlington/Mount Vernon, WA: Skagit Regional (MVW)
Deer Harbor, WA: Deer Harbor Marina (DHB)
Eastsound, WA: Orcas Island (ESD)
Everett, WA: Snohomish County (PAE)
Friday Harbor, WA: Friday Harbor Airport (FRD)
Friday Harbor, WA: Friday Harbor Seaplane Base (FBS)
Kenmore, WA: Kenmore Air Harbor (KEH)
Lopez Island, WA: Lopez Island Airport (LPS)
Pasco/Kennewick/Richland, WA: Tri Cities (PSC)
Port Angeles, WA: William R. Fairchild International (CLM)
Prosser, WA: Prosser Airport (RQE)
Pullman, WA: Pullman Moscow Regional (PUW)
Renton, WA: Renton Municipal (RNT)
Roche Harbor, WA: Roche Harbor Airport (RCE)
Rosario, WA: Rosario Seaplane Base (RSJ)
Seattle, WA: Boeing Field/King County International (BFI)
Seattle, WA: Lake Union Terminal (LKE)
Seattle, WA: Seattle/Tacoma International (SEA)
Spokane, WA: Spokane International (GEG)
Tacoma, WA: Tacoma Seaplane Base (2WA)
Walla Walla, WA: Walla Walla Regional (ALW)
Wenatchee, WA: Pangborn Memorial (EAT)
Westsound, WA: Westsound Airport (WSX)
Yakima, WA: Yakima Air Terminal/McAllister Field (YKM)

West Virginia
Ashland, WV: Tri-State/Milton J. Ferguson Field (HTS)
Beckley, WV: Raleigh County Memorial (BKW)
Charleston/Dunbar, WV: West Virginia International Yeager (CRW)
Clarksburg/Fairmont, WV: North Central West Virginia (CKB)
Lewisburg, WV: Greenbrier Valley (LWB)
Morgantown, WV: Morgantown Municipal Walter L Bill Hart Field (MGW)
Parkersburg, WV: Mid-Ohio Valley Regional (PKB)

Appleton, WI: Appleton International (ATW)
Eau Claire, WI: Chippewa Valley Regional (EAU)
Green Bay, WI: Green Bay Austin Straubel International (GRB)
La Crosse, WI: La Crosse Regional (LSE)
Madison, WI: Dane County Regional-Truax Field (MSN)
Milwaukee, WI: General Mitchell International (MKE)
Mosinee, WI: Central Wisconsin (CWA)
Rhinelander, WI: Rhinelander/Oneida County (RHI)

Casper, WY: Casper/Natrona County International (CPR)
Cheyenne, WY: Cheyenne Regional/Jerry Olson Field (CYS)
Cody, WY: Yellowstone Regional (COD)
Gillette, WY: Northeast Wyoming Regional (GCC)
Jackson, WY: Jackson Hole (JAC)
Laramie, WY: Laramie Regional (LAR)
Riverton/Lander, WY: Central Wyoming Regional (RIW)
Rock Springs, WY: Southwest Wyoming Regional (RKS)
Sheridan, WY: Sheridan County (SHR)