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OccupancyThe number of persons, including driver and passenger(s) in a vehicle. NPTS occupancy rates are generally calculated as person miles divided by vehicle miles. ( Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) )
Occupational ClassOccupational categories such as executive, manegerial, administrative, sales, production, and farming. ( Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 1990 )
Operating CarrierAn air carrier engaged directly in the operation of aircraft in passenger air transportation. ( Airline Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B) )
Operating ExpenditureExpenses from wages and salaries, operating supplies, insurance expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses. ( Motor Carrier Financial & Operating Information )
Operating ExpensesExpenses incurred in the performance of air transportation, based on overall operating revenues and overall operating expenses. Does not include nonoperating income and expenses, nonrecurring items, or income tax. ( Air Carrier Financial Reports (Form 41 Financial Data) )
Operating RevenueRevenue from the transportation of property or passengers by motor carrier. ( Motor Carrier Financial & Operating Information )
Operating RevenuesRevenues from the performance of air transportation and related incidental services. Includes (1) transport revenue from the carriage of all classes of traffic in scheduled and nonscheduled services, and (2) nontransport revenues consisting of Federal subsidy (where applicable) and revenues for services related to air transportation. ( Air Carrier Financial Reports (Form 41 Financial Data) )
OriginStarting point of a trip. ( Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) )
Origin State FIPSThe FIPS code for the origin state. (see FIPS) ( Air Carrier Statistics (Form 41 Traffic)- All Carriers, Air Carrier Statistics (Form 41 Traffic)- U.S. Carriers )
Other And Unknown ModesShipments for which modes were not reported, or were reported by the respondent as Other or Unknown. ( Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) )
Other ModesAirplane: Includes commercial airplanes and smaller planes that are available for use by the general public in exchange for a fare. Private planes and helicopters are included under other. Taxi: The use of a taxicab by a driver for hire or by a passenger for fare. Also includes airport limousines. Does not include rental cars if they are privately operated and not picking up passengers in return for fare. Bicycles: Includes bicycles of all speeds and sizes that do not have a motor. The U.S. national passenger railroad service providing intercity train service. Walk: Includes jogging, walking, etc., provided the origin and destination are not the same. School bus: Includes county school buses, private school buses, and buses chartered from private companies for the express purposes of carrying students to or from school and/or school-related activities. MOPED (Motorized Bicycle) : Includes motorized bicycles equipped with a small engine, typically 2 horsepower or less. Also includes minibikes such as dirt bikes and trail bikes. Note that a motorized bicycle may or may not be licensed for highway use. Other. Includes any types of transportation not listed above. ( Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) )
Other Multiple ModesShipments using any other mode combinations not specifically listed in the Commodity Flow Survey tables. ( Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) )
Other Transport-Related RevenueRevenues from services such as in-flight sales, rentals and sales or services, supplies and parts. ( Air Carrier Financial Reports (Form 41 Financial Data) )
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