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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
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: Person Characteristics
   Database Profile   Data Tables   Table Profile
Latest Available Data: 1995All Rows Shown
Field NameDescription
FileIdFile Identification 
HouseholdIdHousehold Identification Number 
PersonidPerson Identification Number 
TripIdTrip Identification Number 
PersonTripIdPerson Trip Identification Number 
PerTripsPerson trips 
PersonTripWeightPerson Trip Weight 
StructureStructure Type 
UtilityVehiclesUtility Vehicles 
PickupsPickup Trucks 
TrucksOther trucks 
RecreationVehicleRecreational Vehicles 
OtherVehiclesOther Vehicles 
HouseholdTypeHousehold Type 
HouseholdSizeHousehold Size 
HouseholdPersonsPersons in Household 
HouseholdIncomeHousehold Income 
FamilyIncomeFamily Income 
AgeHousehold1Age of Householder (Single-year increments) 
AgeHousehold5Age of Householder (Five-year increments) 
RaceHouseholdRace of Householder 
HispanicHouseholdHispanic Origin of Householder 
EducHouseholdEducational Attainment of Householder 
ActivityHouseholdActivity of Householder 
Age1Age (Single-year increments) 
Age5Age (Five-year increments) 
RelationshipRelationship to Householder 
HispanicHispanic Origin 
MaritalMarital Status 
EducAttainmentEducational Attainment 
PersonIncomePersonal Income 
EditTenureEdit/Imputation of Tenure 
EditStructureEdit/Imputation of Structure Type 
EditFamilyIncomeEdit/Imputation of Family Income 
EditAgeHouseholdEdit/Imputation of Age of Householder 
EditRaceHouseholdEdit/Imputation of Race of Householder 
EditHispanicHouseholdEdit/Imputation of Hispanic Origin of Householder 
EditEducHouseholdEdit/Imputation of Educational Attainment of Householder 
EditAgeEdit/Imputation of Age 
EditRelationshipEdit/Imputation of Relationship to Householder 
EditRaceEdit/Imputation of Race 
EditHispanicEdit/Imputation of Hispanic Origin 
EditSexEdit/Imputation of Sex 
EditMaritalEdit/Imputation of Marital Status 
EditEducAttainmentEdit/Imputation of Educational Attainment 
EditPersonIncomeEdit/Imputation of Personal Income 
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