Field Name | Description |
FileId | File Identification | |
HouseholdId | Household Identification Number | |
Personid | Person Identification Number | |
TripId | Trip Identification Number | |
PersonTripId | Person Trip Identification Number | |
PerTrips | Person trips | |
PersonTripWeight | Person Trip Weight | |
OriginRegionCode | Region Code of Trip Origin | |
OriginRegionName | Region Name of Trip Origin | |
OriginDivisonCode | Division Code of Trip Origin | |
OriginDivisonName | Division Name of Trip Origin | |
OriginStateCode | State Code of Trip Origin | |
OriginStateName | State Name of Trip Origin | |
OriginStatePost | State Postal Abbreviation of Trip Origin | |
OriginMetroAreaCode | Metropolitan Area (MA) Code of Trip Origin | |
OriginMetroAreaName | Metropolitan Area (MA) Name of Trip Origin | |
DestRegionCode | Region Code of Trip Destination | |
DestRegionName | Region Name of Trip Destination | |
DestDivisionCode | Division Code of Trip Destination | |
DestDivisionName | Division Name of Trip Destination | |
DestStateCode | State or Foreign Country Code of Trip Destination | |
DestStateName | State or Foreign Country Name of Trip Destination | |
DestStatePost | State Postal Abbreviation of Trip Destination | |
DestMetroAreaCode | Metropolitan Area (MA) Code of Trip Destination | |
DestMetroAreaName | Metropolitan Area (MA) Name of Trip Destination | |
Tenure | Tenure | |
Structure | Structure Type | |
Vehicles | Vehicles | |
Vans | Vans | |
UtilityVehicles | Utility Vehicles | |
Pickups | Pickup Trucks | |
Autos | Automobiles | |
Trucks | Other trucks | |
RecreationVehicle | Recreational Vehicles | |
MotorCycles | MotorCycles | |
OtherVehicles | Other Vehicles | |
HouseholdType | Household Type | |
HouseholdSize | Household Size | |
HouseholdPersons | Persons in Household | |
HouseholdIncome | Household Income | |
FamilyIncome | Family Income | |
AgeHousehold1 | Age of Householder (Single-year increments) | |
AgeHousehold5 | Age of Householder (Five-year increments) | |
RaceHousehold | Race of Householder | |
HispanicHousehold | Hispanic Origin of Householder | |
EducHousehold | Educational Attainment of Householder | |
ActivityHousehold | Activity of Householder | |
Age1 | Age (Single-year increments) | |
Age5 | Age (Five-year increments) | |
Relationship | Relationship to Householder | |
Race | Race | |
Hispanic | Hispanic Origin | |
Marital | Marital Status | |
EducAttainment | Educational Attainment | |
Activity | Activity | |
PersonIncome | Personal Income | |
TrParty | Travelers in the Travel Party | |
TrPrTyHousehold | Adult Household Members in Travel Party | |
TrPrTyAd | Adult Household Members in Travel Party | |
TrPrTyCh | Children Under 18 Years in the Travel Party | |
TrPrTyNh | Non-Household Members in the Travel Party | |
TrPrType | Travel Party Type | |
LeaveYear | Departure Year | |
ReturnYear | Return Year | |
ReturnQuarter | Return Quarter | |
Weekend | Weekend Trip | |
NiteAway | Nights Away from Home | |
NiteFrnd | Nights Away from Home in Friend?s or Relative?s Home | |
NiteHotel | Nights Away from Home in Hotel, Motel, Bed and Breakfast, or Resort | |
NiteRent | Nights Away from Home in Rented Cabin, Condominium, or Vacation Home | |
NiteOwn | Nights Away from Home in Owned Cabin, Condominium, Vacation Home, or Timeshare | |
NiteTrailer | Nights Away from Home in Camper, Trailer, or Recreational Vehicle | |
NiteCorporate | Nights Away from Home in Corporate-Owned Housing | |
NiteConference | Nights Away from Home in Conference Center | |
NiteMilitary | Nights Away from Home in Military Housing | |
NiteDorm | Nights Away from Home in Dormitory | |
NitePassenger | Nights Away from Home as Passenger in Car, Plane, Cruise Ship, Train, etc. | |
NitePark | Nights Away from Home in Parked Automobile, Van, Station Wagon, etc. | |
NiteSpa | Nights Away from Home in Health Spa or Health Resort | |
NiteCamp | Nights Away from Home in Work or Recreational Camp, Tent, etc. | |
NiteHostel | Nights Away from Home in Youth Hostel | |
NiteShel | Nights Away from Home in YMCA or Shelter | |
NiteOthr | Nights Away from Home in Other Type of Lodging | |
NiteDest | Nights at Destination | |
LodgDest | Type of Lodging at Destination | |
TransportOriginDest | Principal Transportation from Origin to Destination | |
FlightOriginDest | Regularly Scheduled or Charter Flight from Origin to Destination | |
CarrierOriginDest | U.S. or Foreign Carrier from Origin to Destination | |
TrainToStation | Transportation to Origin Airport/Station/Terminal | |
GCDToStation | Great Circle Distance (GCD) to Airport/Station/Terminal | |
RouteDistanceToStation | Route Distance to Airport/Station/Terminal | |
TransportFromStation | Transportation from Airport/Station/Terminal at Destination | |
Vacation | Vacation Trip | |
Reason | Reason for Trip | |
TransportDestOrigin | Principal Transportation from Destination to Origin | |
FlightDestOrigin | Regularly Scheduled or Charter Flight from Destination to Origin | |
CarrierDestOrigin | U.S. or Foreign Carrier from Destination to Origin | |
GCDOriginDest | Great Circle Distance from Origin to Destination | |
GCDUsOriginDest | Great Circle Distance from Origin to Destination, U.S. Portion | |
GCDIntOriginDest | Great Circle Distance from Origin to Destination, International Portion | |