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U.S. Department of TransportationU.S. Department of Transportation IconUnited States Department of TransportationUnited States Department of Transportation
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: Households (1995)
   Database Profile   Data Tables   Table Profile
Latest Available Data: 1995<<Prev   Rows : 1 - 100 of 184   Next>>
Field NameDescription
CensusDCensus division 
CensusRegionCensus region 
HhvehcntNo. of vehicles in household (derived) 
MsasizeSize of MSA of household 
VarstratSample stratum 
BusblockReported dist. to bus (blocks) 
BusmileReported dist. to bus (miles) 
BusAvailableBus service available 
BusDistDistance to bus (miles) 
HouseidHousehold identification number 
DrivercntNumber of drivers in HH 
HhelgcntNumber of eligible persons in HH 
HhfamincHH family income category 
HhrespHH respondent 
HhsizeTotal number of persons in HH 
HhstateState postal code 
HhstfipsState FIPS code 
HhHispHispanic status of ref. person 
HhRaceRace of reference person 
HomeownTenure of housing unit 
HometypeType of housing unit 
HstoriesStories in apt. building 
Hh0to4Number of persons in HH age 0-4 
LifeCycleFamily life cycle 
NumadltNumber of adults in HH 
InelgcntNumber of ineligible persons in HH 
HhmsaMSA identification code 
MstrMonDate of master interview - month 
MstrYrDate of master interview - year 
NonfmflgNon-family income reported for HH 
NotelwksNo. of weeks w/o telephone service 
NotelyrWithout phone service in past yer? 
OtherptrOther public transit available 
Person10AgeAge of person 10 
Person10DriverDriver status of person 10 
Person10RelationPerson 10 relation to ref. person 
Person10SexSex of person 10 
Person10StatusResponse status of person 10 
Person10WorkerWorker status of person 10 
Person1AgeAge of person 1 
Person1DriverDriver status of person 1 
Person1RelationPerson 1 relation to ref. person 
Person1SexSex of person 1 
Person1StatusResponse status of person 1 
Person1WorkerWorker status of person1 
Person2AgeAge of person 2 
Person2DriverDriver status of person 2 
Person2RelationPerson 2 relation to ref. person 
Person2SexSex of person 2 
Person2StatusResponse status of person 2 
Person2WorkerWorker status of person 2 
Person3AgeAge of person 3 
Person3DriverDriver status of person 3 
Person3RelationPerson 3 relation to ref. person 
Person3SexSex of person 3 
Person3StatusResponse status of person 3 
Person3WorkerWorker status of person 3 
Person4AgeAge of person 4 
Person4DriverDriver status of person 4 
RefEducEducation of HH reference person 
Person4RelationPerson 4 relation to ref. person 
Person4SexSex of person 4 
Person4StatusResponse status of person 4 
Person4WorkerWorker status of person 4 
Person5AgeAge of person 5 
Person5DriverDriver status of person 5 
Person5RelationPerson 5 relation to ref. person 
Person5SexSex of person 5 
Person5StatusResponse status of person 5 
Person5WorkerWorker status of person 5 
Person6AgeAge of person 6 
Person6DriverDriver status of person 6 
Person6RelationPerson 6 relation to ref. person 
Person6SexSex of person 6 
Person6StatusResponse status of person 6 
Person6WorkerWorker status of person 6 
Person7AgeAge of person 7 
Person7DriverDriver status of person 7 
Person7RelationPerson 7 relation to ref. person 
Person7SexSex of person 7 
Person7StatusResponse status of person 7 
Person7WorkerWorker status of person 7 
Person8AgeAge of person 8 
Person8DriverDriver status of person 8 
Person8RelationPerson 8 relation to ref. person 
Person8SexSex of person 8 
Person8StatusResponse status of person 8 
Person8WorkerWorker status of person 8 
Person9AgeAge of person 9 
Person9DriverDriver status of person 9 
Person9RelationPerson 9 relation to ref. person 
Person9SexSex of person 9 
Person9StatusResponse status of person 9 
Person9WorkerWorker status of person 9 
RailPresence/absence of rail 
RefAgeAge of reference person (yr) 
RefDriverDriver status of reference person 
RefSexSex of ref person 
RefStatusResponse status of reference person 
RefWorkerWorker status of reference person 
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