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: Day Trips (1995)
   Database Profile   Data Tables   Table Profile
Latest Available Data: 1995<<Prev   Rows : 1 - 100 of 106   Next>>
Field NameDescription
HouseidHousehold identification number 
TravdayTravel day - day of week 
ProxyProxy respondent for person data 
RAgeAge of sample person 
RSexSex of sample person 
CensusDivisionCensus division 
CensusRegionCensus region 
RefEducEducation of HH reference person 
IntrvmonPerson interview date - month 
IntrvyrPerson interview date - year 
WorkerRespondent is a worker 
AwayhomeReason started day away from home 
ChainTrip chain number for this person 
ChaintrpNumber of trip within chain 
DateflgIntrv date imputed as trav day plus 1 
DaynightTrip started AM or PM G17A 
DiffdateDays between travel & interview dates 
DriverPerson is a driver D9 
Editmile1= trip miles were edited 
Editmode1= transportation mode was edited 
EditMin1= trip duration was edited 
Frsthm1=persons 1st trip began at home 
Hhmemdrv1= household member drove G37 
HhsizeTotal number of persons in HH 
VehidHH vehicle number 
HhvehcntNo. of vehicles in household (derived) 
HhOntrpNumber of HH members on the trip (derived) 
HowfaruUnits of reported distance: B-Blocks, M-Miles 
DweltimeTime spent at destination of prev trip 
MsasizeSize of MSA of household 
Nonhhacc1= non-HH members on trip 
NonhhcntNumber of non-HH members on trip 
Editnonh1= variable NONHHCNT was edited 
NumontrpTotal number of persons on trip (derived) 
PasspurpTrip purpose for passenger 
PrevrepThis trip also reported by other HH mem 
TripnumTravel day trip number for sample person 
PubtransUsed public transit (8 
Segmentd1= if trip is segmented 
SitmostSit or stand most on trip 
Standsit1=sat, 2=stood, 3=both on trip 
ToBWhere trip chain ended 
TravwkndTravel day on weekend (1=Y, 2=N) 
TriphhaccOther HH mem were also on trip? 
TriphhvehWas HH vehicle used on trip? 
TripnumAPerson trip number of first trip in chain 
TripnumBPerson trip number of last trip in chain 
WaitMinTime waited for transportation (min) 
WhereToH=home, W=work, S=other-specify 
WhoaccARoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccBRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccCRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccDRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccERoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccFRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccGRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccHRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccIRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhoaccJRoster number of other HH mem on trip G36 
WhodroveID of HH mem who drove on trip G38 
Whyfrom1995 purpose - from 
Whyto1995 purpose - to 
Whytrp90Purpose of trip (1990 definition) 
Overlap=1 if trip part of travel period trip 
HhtripidTrip number for household travel day 
PersonidPerson ID number 
StrttimeStart time of trip 
Transfer=01 if changed mode from/to pub trans 
TripmilesDistance (miles) 
TriptransMode of transportation code 
TrvlMinTravel time (min) 
VarstratSample stratum 
Whytrp95Purpose of trip (1995 definition) 
WttrdfinFinal travel day trip weight 
DrvrcntNumber of drivers in HH 
HhfamincHH family income category 
HhHispHispanic status of ref. person 
HhRaceRace of reference person 
LifeCycleFamily life cycle 
HhmsaMSA identification code 
MstrMonDate of master interview - month 
MstrYrDate of master interview - year 
RailPresence/absence of rail 
RefAgeAge of reference person (yr) 
RefSexSex of ref person 
TravelDayMonthTravel day date (MM) 
TravelDayYearTravel day date (YY) 
WrkcountNo. of workers in HH 
HhcmsaCMSA identification code 
VtrFlg1=POV trip, respondent drove 
SubstratSubstratum within VARSTRAT 
HbppopdnPopulation density, block group 
HbhurUrban/rural code, block group 
HbhresdnHU density (units/square mile), BG 
HbhinmedMedian household income, BG 
Strttim2--Field Description Not Known 
Daynght2--Field Description Not Known 
Tripnum2--Field Description Not Known 
Dwelsec2--Field Description Not Known 
Dweltim2--Field Description Not Known 
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