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Data Profile: Employment by Industry & Occupation
Employment by Industry & Occupation
Employment by Industry and Occupation is a subset of the data that Bureau of Labor Statistics collects for the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program. The information includes estimates of employment, hourly wages, and annual wages for 770 detailed occupations and for 22 major occupational groups.

Available data series include 1) total employment by occupation and 2) wages by occupation.

Visit Employment by Industry & Occupation.
Data are national. OES collects data for the payroll period including the 12th day of October, November, or December, depending upon the industry surveyed. The survey covers full-time and part-time wage and salary workers in nonfarm industries. The survey does not cover self-employed people, owners and partners in unincorporated firms, household workers, or unpaid family workers.
First Year1988
Last Year2000
   Summary Tables
   National Transportation Statistics
Bus Profile
Highway Profile
Truck Profile
Water Transport Profile
Breakdown Of Employment Costs For Private Industry
Breakdown Of Employment Costs For Transportation Industries
Breakdown Of Employment Costs In Transportation Occupations
For-Hire Transportation Employment
Hourly Earnings Of Pipeline And Water Transportation Workers
Hourly Earnings Of Production Workers In Transportation Industries
Hourly Earnings Of Rail, Bus, And Transit Workers
Hourly Earnings Of Workers In Transportation Arrangement Services
Hourly Earnings Of Workers In Trucking And Public Warehousing Services
Transportation And Private Industry Employment Costs
Transportation Employment
Transportation Supporting Industry Employment
   Related Links
Employee Benefits
Employment Costs
Employment Projections
Employment, Hours, and Earnings
National Compensation Survey
National Unemployment Rate
Occupational Outlook Quarterly
State and County Employment and Wages
State and Local Employment
State and Local Unemployment Rates
Time Use
Wages by Area and Occupation
   Data Source and Contacts
Data Provider AgencyBureau of Labor Statistics
Data Provider OfficeEmployment by Industry & Occupation
BTS ContactTranStats Customer Support
Phone:(800) 853-1351