Annual State Personal Income |
Overview |
The Annual State Personal Income data, collected by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, provide income and employment data by industry at the state level. This includes breakdowns of taxable and non-taxable income as well as part-time vs. full-time figures and multi-year series. Data, which are available for sectors of the transportation industry, may be used for transportation industry studies and for Transportation Satellite Accounts expansion.
Available data series include income and employment by industry, including by transportation industries.
Visit Annual State Personal Income data. |
Coverage |
The Annual State Personal Income data provide income and employment data by transportation industries at the state level. |
Availability |
First Year | 1929 |
Last Year | 2000 |
Frequency | Annual |
Summary Tables |
National Transportation Statistics |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Major Social Function |
Related Links |
Gross State Product |
Local Area Personal Income |
Quarterly State Personal Income |